Integral - Clinical Trials Solutions

We are a privately owned company, a network of highly qualified, capable, and enthusiastic research professionals that operate a Multi-Specialty Clinical Research Center and a Site Management Organization (SMO). A consortium of physicians representing their therapeutic specialties and passionate about the advancement of medicine and quality of care.

In addition to the strength and commitment of our network of Investigators, experienced and dedicated Clinical Research Coordinators assist the physicians in the preparation and conduct of our trials. With an accumulated experience of more than 40 years in the Clinical Research Industry, our Physicians, Nurses, Study Coordinators, Phlebotomists and technicians deliver best in class clinical research services.

Our goal is to maintain business practices that are consistent with the human subject protection standards and ethics, while day to day business follows effective industry practices, promoted by professional clinical research associations.

Our mission is to become the model research organization that exemplifies professional, efficient and safe conduct of clinical research.

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